Institutional Presentation

Close, Innovative, Transformational

The University of San Isidro “Dr. Plácido Marín” (USI) has the mission to educate students with a Christian world view of life through the production, the preservation and the communication of knowledge, in search of the truth and according to the common good, in order to provide professionals committed to the transformation of the social reality in which they have to live.

The USI is proposed as a close option, not only due to its geographical location, but also owning to the human proximity in the relationship with students and with the community in general.

Our innovative proposal is based upon the updated knowledge transmitted through the incorporation of scientific and technological advances, with a creative and original pedagogic style.


To educate students with a Christian world view of life through the production, the preservation and the communication of knowledge, in search of the truth and according to the common good, in order to provide professionals committed to the transformation of the social reality in which they have to live.


Within the scope of a country that considers education as an essential instrument for social development, the University gives priority to the promotion of men and culture, and makes a clear option for the poor, based on a Christian world view, by making specific contributions to such end. This proposal is developed within an atmosphere that stimulates academic excellence, research and extension, incorporating scientific and technological advances, with an innovative creativity tending to the permanent improvement.


Freedom, Responsibility and Solidarity.

Our main areas of research and education imply a proposal that aims at transforming the reality, the society, the culture and the persons themselves.

  • Justice
  • Education
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Social Work

Education is an essential instrument for the human and social development; that is the reason why the USI gives priority to the promotion of men and culture, paying special attention to people in need.

Therefore, the University of San Isidro constitutes a local option for the Northern Area of the Province of Buenos Aires, but also has an open and international perspective.


Primary Adress

17175 Av. Del Libertador

Beccar, B1643CRD

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Campus operator

 (+54 11) 4732-3030

Email Adress